Walking With Uncommon Faith
When you really walk with uncommon faith, Life will interrupt the entire universe.
Uncommon faith is not average faith. It’s not ordinary. It’s above and beyond. It gives you a boldness and the confidence to believe in the extraordinary.
• Average faith says, maybe one day I’ll get out of this problem. I don’t know. It’s pretty bad.
• Uncommon faith says, this challenge right now is my test. I’m up. The spotlight is on me. I’m so perfectly guided. I can feel it. And if I stay morally centred I’ll come out better than I was!
When you walk so wildly with uncommon faith, during the good and tough times, you’re not asking life to help you. No. Because you see the situation from a 100 different vantage points. Uncommon faith is you being relentless. It’s you not asking life to set you free. It’s you knowing life is setting you free.
Uncommon faith says:
• You’re always conspiring to give me double of what I have. And I’m always giving away twice as much!
• You’re always conspiring to give me double the blessings. And I’m always giving away twice as much!
It’s easy to have a good attitude, as long as everything’s going your way. But what are you going to do...
• When a relationship crumbles?
• When a bad health report arises?
You walk with uncommon faith. That’s what you do. You live incredibly well. That’s what you do. You may have nothing, but you still give lots away. That’s what you do.
Your morals, nature, God, & faith are the greatest food & drink you’ll ever eat. I promise! This entire simulation was designed with those codes deeply embedded into its substructure.
• If you use them, your happiness, your relations, your presence, your awareness... they’ll all prosper & you’ll find elevation.
• If you don’t use them, your marriage, your relations, your reactions, your discontent, your anxiety... they’ll all prosper & you’ll find hopelessness.