The Storm has Purpose
Most of the time we believe life is in control, but only when everything’s going our way.
• When money is good
• When the family is healthy
• When the kids are good & kind
• When your relationship is fun & intimate
We know that life is guiding our step. We know that life is good. But having faith doesn’t exempt us from difficulties. Because the storm comes for everyone.
• Business takes a downturn
• You get a bad medical report
• Your child is battling addiction
• A friend betrays you
• Injury removes you from what you love
In the difficult times, it’s easy to think, “Life where are you? How could you let this happen to me?”
But life, who is in control of the good times, is also in control of the challenging times. Life doesn’t allow for a storm, unless there’s a divine purpose for it. And so here are 3 things to know about every storm that comes your way:
1. Life will direct the winds of the storm to blow you where it wants you to go.
2. We see storms as being negative. But life uses the storm to move you from A to B.
3. The winds may be strong, the circumstances may look bad, but if you keep the sails of faith and morality open, without getting bitter or complaining, those winds will blow you to a new level of your destiny.