The Shift is Here


We need words of faith and victory spoken over our life.

Because words can create a powerful, lasting rise of ambition. And when you can receive the right words, they can ignite a shift.

I’m not just trying to make you feel good. I’m declaring, a shift is coming. Matter of fact, it’s already here. There just needs to be a shift in your perspective first.

Life has breathed in your direction a new way. The shift you’ve been waiting for is here. You just have to open your heart to it. Because when your heart opens:

• Your language changes
• Your interests change
• How you see changes

Embrace the shift. Because it’s here right now, smiling with excitement to propel you forward. What should have taken 30 years, life has given you in a split second. The shift is acceleration. And it’s going to take your where you couldn’t have gone on your own.

• The shift is in what the medical report had deemed impossible. And you can now feel your cells, your aura, energetic circuitry and power stations all changing course.

• The shift is in how you see people, which now gives you strength, inspiration and motivation, instead of comparison, judgment and insecurities.

• The shift is in how you see yourself, your body, your eyes, lips, hair, gender, skin, voice, skills and talents. From judgment, denial and shame, to sacred, appreciative and celebratory.

• The shift is in seeing your off-course child change their mind and with supernatural phenomena, finding themselves back in your arms of support promotion towards a brighter future.

• The shift is in having your best year when the circumstances say it’ll be a down year.

• The shift is in seeing with your own eyes, life not only delivering and providing, but doing so in exceedingly, abundant and above-&-beyond fashion.

So let your new attitude be like the winds of summer weather. Let it say:

• Life, I’m ready!
• I’m taking the limits off of you today!
• I’m enlarging my vision today!
• I’m letting you guide the way today!
• I declare I’m coming into a shift today!

Pranayama SadhanaComment