Breaking Free of Survival-mode

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You made it through, but you can’t keep that survival mentality. Because life has new seasons in front of you.

Life has new doors it wants to open for you. It wants the next chapter of your life to be better than the first. A survival mentality will keep you from all the right things and all the right people, and will blind you from the reason behind the challenge; elevation. So shake it off and say:

• My faith matters and I hold it strongly over fear.

• My morals matter and I hold them strongly over fear.

• I will meditate on what is positive and what is good about my situation.

• I will use my energy not to worry but to believe and to walk towards the sun.

• Fear has no part in my life.

• I will not dwell on negative, discouraging thoughts.

• My mindset is on what life says about me, not what people are saying about me.

• I know life’s plan for me, is for the elevation of my thoughts and feelings, enjoyment in my activities, and the abundance of goodness.

• My heart is open like it’s summer and I’ve increased myself with the ability to receive!

Fear and faith have something in common. They’re both asking us to believe something will happen that were unable to see.

The choice is yours.

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